# Variability metrics
# meanGlucose
function meanGlucose = meanGlucose(data)
Function that computes the mean glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- meanGlucose: double
Mean glucose concentration (mg/dl).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on mean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# stdGlucose
function stdGlucose = stdGlucose(data)
Function that computes the standard deviation of the glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- stdGlucose: double
Standard deviation of the glucose concentration (mg/dl).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on standard deviation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# cvGlucose
function cvGlucose = cvGlucose(data)
Function that computes the coefficient of variation of the glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- cvGlucose: double
Coefficient of variation of the glucose concentration (%).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on coefficient of variation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_variation (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# medianGlucose
function medianGlucose = medianGlucose(data)
Function that computes the median glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- medianGlucose: double
Median glucose concentration (mg/dl).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on median: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# rangeGlucose
function rangeGlucose = rangeGlucose(data)
Function that computes the range spanned by the glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- rangeGlucose: double
Range spanned by the glucose concentration (%).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on range: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_(statistics) (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# iqrGlucose
function iqrGlucose = iqrGlucose(data)
Function that computes the interquartile range of the glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- iqrGlucose: double
Interquartile range of the glucose concentration (mg/dl).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on IQR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interquartile_range (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# jIndex
function jIndex = jIndex(data)
Function that computes the J-Index of the glucose concentration (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- jIndex: double
J-Index of the glucose concentration (mg/dl).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wójcicki, "J-index. A new proposition of the assessment of current glucose control in diabetic patients", Hormone and Metabolic Reseach, 1995, vol. 27, pp. 41-42. DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-979906.
# aucGlucose
function aucGlucose = aucGlucose(data)
Function that computes the area under the curve (AUC) of glucose concentration (ignores nan values), i.e., the area between the glucose trace and zero. It assumes that the glucose value between two samples is constant.
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- aucGlucose: double
The area under the curve of glucose concentration (mg/dl*min).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on AUC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# aucGlucoseOverBasal
function aucGlucoseOverBasal = aucGlucoseOverBasal(data,basal)
Function that computes the area under the curve (AUC) of glucose concentration over a basal value (ignores nan values). This means that glucose values above the given basal
value will sum up positive AUC, while glucose values below the given basal
value will sum up
in negative AUC. It assumes that the glucose value between two samples is constant.
# Inputs
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl); - basal: double (required)
A double defining the basal value to use (mg/dl).
# Output
- aucGlucoseOverBasal: double
The area under the curve of glucose concentration (mg/dl*min) over the basal value.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Wikipedia on AUC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral (Accessed: 2020-12-10).
# gmi
function gmi = gmi(data)
Function that computes the glucose management indicator (GMI) of the given data (ignores nan values). Generates a warning if the given data
spans less than 12 days.
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- gmi: double
Glucose management indicator of the given data (%).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Bergenstal et al., "Glucose Management Indicator (GMI): A new term for estimating A1C from continuous glucose monitoring", Diabetes Care, 2018, vol. 41, pp. 2275-2280. DOI: 10.2337/dc18-1581.
# sddmIndex
function sddmIndex = sddmIndex(data)
Function that computes the standard deviation of within-day means index (SDDM) (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- sddmIndex: double
The standard deviation of within-day means index (SDDM) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Rodbard et al., "New and improved methods to characterize glycemic variability using continuous glucose monitoring", Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2009, vol. 11, pp. 551-565. DOI: 10.1089/dia.2009.0015.
# sdwIndex
function sdwIndex = sdwIndex(data)
Function that computes the mean of within-day standard deviation index (SDW) (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- sdwIndex: double
The mean of within-day standard deviation (SDW) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Rodbard et al., "New and improved methods to characterize glycemic variability using continuous glucose monitoring", Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2009, vol. 11, pp. 551-565. DOI: 10.1089/dia.2009.0015.
# mageIndex
function mageIndex = mageIndex(data)
Function that computes the mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE) index (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- mageIndex: double
The mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Service et al., "Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions, a measure of diabetic instability", Diabetes, 1970, vol. 19, pp. 644-655. DOI: 10.2337/diab.19.9.644.
# magePlusIndex
function magePlusIndex = magePlusIndex(data)
Function that computes the mean amplitude of positive glycemic excursion (MAGE+) index (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- magePlusIndex: double
The mean amplitude of positive glycemic excursion (MAGE+) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Service et al., "Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions, a measure of diabetic instability", Diabetes, 1970, vol. 19, pp. 644-655. DOI: 10.2337/diab.19.9.644.
# mageMinusIndex
function mageMinusIndex = mageMinusIndex(data)
Function that computes the mean amplitude of negative glycemic excursion (MAGE-) index (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- mageMinusIndex: double
The mean amplitude of negative glycemic excursion (MAGE-) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Service et al., "Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions, a measure of diabetic instability", Diabetes, 1970, vol. 19, pp. 644-655. DOI: 10.2337/diab.19.9.644.
# efIndex
function efIndex = efIndex(data)
Function that computes the excursion frequency (EF) index, i.e., the number of excursion > 75 (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- efIndex: double
The excursion frequency (EF) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Service et al., "Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions, a measure of diabetic instability", Diabetes, 1970, vol. 19, pp. 644-655. DOI: 10.2337/diab.19.9.644.
function [profileAssessment,profileCoordinates, bestControlIndex, bestControlledCoordinates]=CVGA(glucoseProfiles)
Function that performs the control variablity grid analysis (CVGA).
# Input
- glucoseProfiles: cell array of timetable (required)
A cell array of timetables each with columnTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (in mg/dl).
# Outputs
- profileAssessment: vector of double
A vector of double containing, for each timetable inglucoseProfiles
, the euclidian distance of each point in the CVGA space from the CVGA origin; - profileCoordinates: bidimensional vector of double
A bidimensional vector containing in the first column the CVGA coordinate in the x-axis and in the second column the CVGA coordinate in the y-axis of each glucose profile; - bestControlIndex: integer
An integer containing the index of the best glucose profile (i.e., the glucose profile with minimumprofileAssessment
value); - bestControlledCoordinates: bidimensional vector of double
A bidimensional vector containing in the first column the CVGA coordinate in the x-axis and in the second column the CVGA coordinate in the y-axis of the best glucose profile (i.e., the glucose profile with minimumprofileAssessment
# Preconditions
must be a cell array containing timetables;- Each timetable in
must have a column namesTime
and a column namedglucose
# Reference
- Magni et al., "Evaluating the efficacy of closed-loop glucose regulation via control-variability grid analysis", Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2008, vol. 2, pp. 630-635. DOI: 10.1177/193229680800200414.
# conga
function conga = conga(data)
Function that computes the Continuous Overall Net Glycemic Action (CONGA) index.
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- conga: double
Continuous Overall Net Glycemic Action (CONGA) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- McDonnell et al., "A novel approach to continuous glucose analysis utilizing glycemic variation. Diabetes Technol Ther, 2005, vol. 7, pp. 253–263. DOI: 10.1089/dia.2005.7.253.
# modd
function modd = modd(data)
Function that computes the mean of daily difference (MODD) index.
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- modd: double
Mean of daily difference (MODD) index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Molnar et al., "Day-to-day variation of continuously monitored glycaemia: a further measure of diabetic instability", Diabetologia, 1972, vol. 8, pp. 342–348. DOI: 10.1007/BF01218495.
# poincareGlucose
function poincareGlucose = poincareGlucose(data)
Function that fits an ellipse corresponding to the Poincare' plot of the (x,y) = (glucose(t-1),glucose(t))
graph. To do so, it uses the least square method. If an ellipse was not detected (but a parabola or hyperbola), then an empty structure is returned.
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- poincareGlucose: structure
A structure with fields containing the parameter of the fitted Poincare' ellipse, i.e.:a
: sub axis (radius) of the X axis of the non-tilt ellipse;b
: sub axis (radius) of the Y axis of the non-tilt ellipse;phi
: sub axis (radius) of the X axis of the non-tilt ellipse;X0
: center at the X axis of the non-tilt ellipse;Y0
: center at the Y axis of the non-tilt ellipse;X0_in
: center at the X axis of the tilted ellipse;Y0_in
: center at the Y axis of the tilted ellipse;long_axis
: size of the long axis of the ellipse;short_axis
: size of the short axis of the ellipse;status
: status of detection of an ellipse;
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Clarke et al., "Statistical Tools to Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data", Diabetes Technol Ther, 2009, vol. 11, pp. S45-S54. DOI: 10.1089=dia.2008.0138.
- Based on fit_ellipse function by Ohad Gal. https://it.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/3215-fit_ellipse
# glucoseROC
function glucoseROC = glucoseROC(data)
Function that computes the glucose rate-of-change (ROC) trace. As defined in the given reference, ROC at time t is defined as the difference between the glucose at time t and t-15 minutes divided by 15 (ignores nan values). By definition, the first two samples are always nan.
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- glucoseROC: timetable
A timetable with columnTime
containing the glucose ROC (in mg/dl/min).
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Clarke et al., "Statistical Tools to Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data", Diabetes Technol Ther, 2009, vol. 11, pp. S45-S54. DOI: 10.1089=dia.2008.0138.
# stdGlucoseROC
function stdGlucoseROC = stdGlucoseROC(data)
Function that computes the standard deviation of the glucose ROC (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- stdGlucoseROC: double
Standard deviation of the glucose ROC.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Clarke et al., "Statistical Tools to Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data", Diabetes Technol Ther, 2009, vol. 11, pp. S45-S54. DOI: 10.1089=dia.2008.0138.
# cogi
function cogi = cogi(data)
Function that computes the Continuous Glucose Monitoring Index (COGI) (ignores nan values).
# Input
- data: timetable (required)
A timetable with columnsTime
containing the glucose data to analyze (mg/dl).
# Output
- cogi: double
the COGI index.
# Preconditions
must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;data
must contain a column namedTime
and another namedglucose
# Reference
- Leelaranthna et al., "Evaluating glucose control with a novel composite Continuous Glucose Monitoring Index", Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2019, vol. 14, pp. 277-283. DOI: 10.1177/1932296819838525.
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