# Utilities

# glucoseVectorToTimetable

dataTimetable = glucoseVectorToTimetable(data, sampleTime, startTime)

Function that converts a vector containing glucose samples sampled on an homogeneous timegrid with timestep sampleTime in a timetable. The resulting timetable timestamps will start from startTime. If startTime is not specified, 2000-01-01 00:00 is used as default.

# Inputs

  • data: vector of double (required)
    A vector of doubled containing the glucose data (in mg/dl) supposed to be sampled in a homogeneous timegrid with timestep sampleTime;
  • sampleTime: integer (required)
    An integer defining the sample time of data (in min);
  • startTime: datetime (required)
    A dateTime defining the first timestamp of the resulting timetable. If startTime is not provided, 2000-01-01 00:00, is used as default.

# Output

  • dataTimetable: timetable
    data transformed in timetable having two columns: Time, which contains the timestamps, and glucose containing the corresponding glucose data (in mg/dl).

# Preconditions

  • data must be a vector of double supposed to be sampled in a homogeneous timegrid with timestep sampleTime;
  • sampleTime must be an integer;
  • startTime must be a datetime.

# Reference

  • None

# timetableToGlucoseVector

dataVector = timetableToGlucoseVector(data)

Function that converts a timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data, in a double vector containing the glucose data in the glucose column.

# Input

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data (in mg/dl).

# Output

  • dataVector: vector of double
    A vector of double containing the glucose data in the glucose column.

# Preconditions

  • data must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;
  • data must contain a column named Time and another named glucose.

# Reference

  • None

# glucoseTimeVectorsToTimetable

function dataTimetable = glucoseTimeVectorsToTimetable(glucose, time)

Function that converts the two given vectors containing the glucose samples and the corresponding timestamps, respectively, in a timetable.

# Inputs

  • glucose: vector of double (required)
    A vector of double containing the glucose data (in mg/dl);
  • time: vector of datetime (required)
    A vector of datetime containing the timestamps of each glucose datapoint.

# Output

  • dataTimetable: timetable
    data and time vectors transformed in timetable having two columns: Time, which contains the timestamps, and glucose containing the corresponding glucose data (in mg/dl).

# Preconditions

  • data and time must be of the same length;
  • glucose must be a vector of double;
  • time must be a a vector of datetime.

# Reference

  • None

# timetableToGlucoseTimeVectors

function [dataVector, timeVector] = timetableToGlucoseTimeVectors(data)

Function that converts a timetable with column Time and glucose containing the timestamps and the respective glucose data, in two vectors: one containing the timestamp data in the Time column and the other containing the glucose data in the glucose column.

# Input

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data (in mg/dl).

# Outputs

  • dataVector: vector of double
    A vector of double containing the glucose data in the glucose column;
  • timeVector: vector of datetime
    A vector of datetime containing the timestamp data in the Time column.

# Preconditions

  • data must be a timetable having an homogeneous time grid;
  • data must contain a column named Time and another named glucose.

# Reference

  • None

# toMGDL

function data = toMGDL(data)

Function that converts a timetable with column Time and glucose containing the timestamps and the respective glucose data in mmol/L to mg/dL.

# Input

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data (in mmol/l).

# Outputs

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data (in mg/dl).

# Preconditions

  • data must contain a column named Time and another named glucose.

# Reference

  • None


function data = toMMOLL(data)

Function that converts a timetable with column Time and glucose containing the timestamps and the respective glucose data in mg/dL to mmol/l.

# Input

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data (in mg/dl).

# Outputs

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data (in mmol/l).

# Preconditions

  • data must contain a column named Time and another named glucose.

# Reference

  • None

# readFreestyleLibreData

function data = readFreestyleLibreData(file)

Function that reads data from a .xlsx file downloaded from the Freestyle Libre CGM system and converts it in a timetable compatible with AGATA.

# Input

  • file: vector of character (required)
    A vector of characters containing the relative path to the .xslx file to be converted in a timetable compatible with AGATA.

# Outputs

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data to analyze (in mg/dl).

# Preconditions

  • file must be a vector of characters.

# Reference

  • None

# readEversenseData

function data = readEversenseData(file)

Function that reads data from a .xlsx file downloaded from the Eversense CGM system and converts it in a timetable compatible with AGATA.

# Input

  • file: vector of character (required)
    A vector of characters containing the relative path to the .xslx file to be converted in a timetable compatible with AGATA.

# Outputs

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data to analyze (in mg/dl).

# Preconditions

  • file must be a vector of characters.

# Reference

  • None

# readDexcomData

function data = readDexcomData(file)

Function that reads data from a .xlsx file downloaded from the Dexcom CGM system and converts it in a timetable compatible with AGATA.

# Input

  • file: vector of character (required)
    A vector of characters containing the relative path to the .xslx file to be converted in a timetable compatible with AGATA.

# Outputs

  • data: timetable (required)
    A timetable with column Time and glucose containing the glucose data to analyze (in mg/dl).

# Preconditions

  • file must be a vector of characters.

# Reference

  • None