# Authorization

# Authorize your application

To do that, simply call the asynchronous method FitbitConnector.authorize(), within your code, as:

    FitbitCredentials? fitbitCredentials =
        await FitbitConnector.authorize(
            clientID: Strings.fitbitClientID,
            clientSecret: Strings.fitbitClientSecret,
            redirectUri: Strings.fitbitRedirectUri,
            callbackUrlScheme: Strings.fitbitCallbackScheme

This will open a web view where user will be able to input his Fitbit credentials and login. After the login, the web view will close and the method will return a FitbitCredentials? instance that contains the credentials to be used to make requests to the Fitbit Web API via fitbitter. In particular, fitbitCredentials.userID contains the Fitbit user id of the user that just authorized fitbitter, fitbitCredentials.fitbitAccessToken contains the Fitbit access token, and fitbitCredentials.fitbitRefreshToken contains the Fitbit refresh token.


Since version 2.0.0, fitbitter no longer stores the credentials automatically. As such, you, as a developer, must manage such crendentials according to your strategy.

# Unauthorize your application

To do that, simply call the asynchronous method FitbitConnector.unauthorize(), within your code, as:

    await FitbitConnector.unauthorize(
            clientID: '<OAuth 2.0 Client ID>',
            clientSecret: '<Client Secret>',
            fitbitCredentials: fitbitCredentials,

this will unauthorize the provided FitbitCredentials.

# Check token validity

To check if your FitbitCredentials are still valid, simply call the asynchronous method FitbitConnector.isTokenValid(), within your code, as:

    bool valid = await FitbitConnector.isTokenValid(fitbitCredentials: fitbitCredentials);

# Refresh retained credentials

To do that, simply call the asynchronous method FitbitConnector.refreshToken(), within your code, as:

    FitbitCredentials newFitbitCredentials = await FitbitConnector.refreshToken(
            clientID: '<OAuth 2.0 Client ID>',
            clientSecret: '<Client Secret>',
            fitbitCredentials: fitbitCredentials,

this will return a new instance of FitbitCredentials containing the refreshed tokens.