# Guides

Here's a list of basic guides to get familiar with Fitbitter.

Of course, the guides are written as Dart snippets and/or functions, and, as base requirement, require you to have the Fitbitter package installed in your pubspec.yaml file.

# Fitbit Account

# Get Fitbit Account data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit account, such as user's age, weight, height, and so on and so forth.

# Authorization

# Manage authorization

Authorize, unauthorize, an check auth token validity of your application.

# Activity

# Get Activity data

Get the information of the user's Activity data.

# Activity TimeSeries

# Get Activity Timeseries data

Get the information of the user's Activity TimeSeries data, such as daily calories, steps, minutes spents in the cardio zone, etc.

# Breathing Rate

# Get Breathing Rate data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Breathing Rate data.

# Cardio Fitness Score (VO2Max)

# Get Cardio Fitness Score (VO2Max) data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Cardio Fitness Score (VO2Max) data.

# Device

# Get Device data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Device data.

# Heart Rate

# Get Heart Rate data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Heart Rate data.

# Heart Rate Intraday

# Get Heart Rate Intraday data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Heart Rate Intraday data.

# Heart Rate Variability

# Get Heart Rate Variability data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Heart Rate Variability data.

# Sleep

# Get Sleep data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Sleep data.

# SpO2

# Get SpO2 data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit SpO2 data.

# SpO2 Intraday

# Get SpO2 Intraday data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit SpO2 Intraday data.

# Temperature (Skin)

# Get Temperature (Skin) data

Get the information of the user's Fitbit Temperature (Skin) data.